Many people swear by roulette strategies and there are many different ones you can select from. Each has its inherent strengths and weaknesses but one system that has drawn a lot of attention of late is Oscar’s Grind.
In this article we’ll explain how Oscar’s Grind works, what the strengths of the system are and what its main weaknesses are too.
Oscar’s Grind is based on the assumption that most roulette players when betting on the outside bets (Red/Black, Odd/Even, High/Low) will endure streaks when they win several spins consecutively and also streaks when they lose consecutively. The aim of the strategy is to win 1 Unit. When this is achieved, the current session ends.
Whether that is the case or not is a moot point but that is the assumption the strategy is based upon.
The strategy works thus:
1. Place your first bet of 1 Unit. If your bet wins, you make a 1 Unit profit and the session is over and you can start a new session afresh. If your bet does not win, move on to step 2.
2. If your bet loses, then your next bet is the same amount as your first bet. (1 Unit in this case).
3. If you win a bet then your next bet sees you increase your bet by one Unit amount. The only exception to this rule is if you only need a smaller amount to achieve a 1 Unit profit than the next bet in your sequence. In this case, you should bet how much you need to achieve a 1 Unit profit.
The strengths of the Oscar’s Grind strategy is that it capitalises on the sometimes streaky nature of roulette. A player who loses several hands consecutively and then wins a few hands can still post their 1 Unit profit even if they lose more spins of the wheel than they win.
Oscar’s Grind Strategy works well if players do experience streaks of consecutive losses and wins, however, when a player wins then loses and frequently switches between the two, Oscar’s Grind does not put up such consistent results.
Indeed, if a player hits a number of spins where they win and then lose or win two spins and then lose two spins, Oscar’s Grind can see a player lose out, even if they win on more spins than they lose.
As with all roulette strategies, Oscar’s Grind is no guarantee of success, but if you are a roulette player who finds they win and lose in streaks, it is a solid option if you are happy to take 1 Unit profit in each session.